

These positive integers:3748,67,869,32435465768 are all wiggle numbers because if you examine the digits of each number they go up,down,up,down,...or down,up,down,up,down,up,...For example:
3 4 2 3 4 5 6 A single digit is a wiggle number of length 1.
Write a program that will determine how many of the initial digits of a number form a wiggle number.The answer could,of course,be the length of the number in some cases.

这些正整数:3748,67,869,32435465768全都是摆动数,因为如果你仔细看每个数的各个位,它们增大、减小、增大、减小...或减小、增大、减小、增大...例如:3 4 2 3 4 5 6