

Mr Zhang,
I'm not happy.I have too many rules in my live .I have to get up at 6 am every morning.I can't meet my friends after school ,because I have to do my homework.I can't watch TV on school nights,I never have any fun ,What can I do Please help me

Dear 楼主,
I can fully understand the feeling you have now,because I had experienced your age myself.No matter whether you are facing the pressure of middle school or of the college entrace exams,you have many classmates,if not all of them friends,with you,fighting for your dreams.Just do your best in this period and find fun your friends find.And remember this:I'm sure when you grow older,say,when in your college school or even more older,you looking back these days,you would miss these days so much that you'd like to turn the time back to live this life again.