MRI Technique:
Sagittal T1 and T2-WI’s
Axial T1 and T2-WI’s
No contrast was given
MRI Findings:
Maintained alignment of the vertebrae with straightening of the curve denoting back muscle spasm
Mild degenerative disc bulge seen at L1-L2 level with no evidence of significant roots or thecal compromisations
Maintained other disc levels hydration and height
Maintain bony canal diameters
The cons part of the cord dens nearly at mid L1 vertebral body with no abnormal signal intensities
No bony osteolytic lesions or abnormal para-vertebral soft tissue intense lesions
Mild degenerative disc bulge L1-L2 level,otherwise unremarkable MRI study of the lumbosacral spine
同意第一个答案,如果考虑年龄因素,你老爸几乎是正常的,如果有腰痛,主要问题可能是腰肌劳损.如果小便痛,还需排除尿路结石.医生让我把腰部做MRI检查,打字错误是我的病情,我才26岁,从没做过重活,我的工作就是办公室统计材料和开车出去巡视工地。听说腰间盘突出不能治愈,我这个算是轻微的也是无法治愈的吗 请问呵呵,应该说没问题。但是告诫你一下如何保护腰部,人的腰椎承受压力,平躺是最轻的,其次是站立,压力最大的就是案头工作和开车,是平躺的十倍以上,是站立的三倍,所以平时可以多站立,减轻腰部的压力,另外家里最好睡硬板床或特硬的席梦思,上面多加棉絮或垫子无所谓,不要睡软的席梦思或水床,这样