

CURRENT e-learning systems focus on supporting the
creation and presentation of learning materials.The
communication between the learners,which is also an
important factor for a successful learning experience [1],is
not taken into account seriously enough in today’s
E-Learning systems.
Discussion fora provide unique communication features,
which make them a perfect candidate for handling communication
in an e-learning environment:Forums allow for
asynchronous communication,and hence,do not force
learners to negotiate for specific communication times as this
would be required in chats.Furthermore,as all exchanged
knowledge is stored within a forum,it can be explored or
searched by all users at any time.This could possibly give an
immediate answer for frequently asked questions.
Another strong benefit of discussion fora is the tree-like
structure.While a discussion forum usually has an overall
topic,user can further divide the forum into subfora where
specific subtopics can be discussed.Within the subfora,
different discussions can be distinguished by so-called
threads.This structure enables learners to browse through
discussion topics quickly and further to navigate directly to
relevant topics.Thus,users are not overwhelmed by
unrelated information as this could happen in mailing lists
where users can only decide to opt-in and receive all mails
or opt-out and receive none of the mails.
Drawbacks of the structure arise when 1) users start a
discussion in a wrong thread,2) a topic would fit in
multiple threads,or 3) the forum becomes so big that the
structure can not be overlooked by the users.In such a case,
