

1.几天前,我看电视中有小学生跳骑马舞(riding horse dancing).

Several days ago, i saw some primary school students doing riding horse dancing. They were dancing actively with the rhythm of the music. They preferred riding horse dancing of Jiangnan style(好吧..我不知道这个名字怎么翻...亲或者直接把韩文名贴上去吧.. TAT) to gymnastics. I think Jiangnan style is suitable for young people.

啊咧,不够字数. 要是你有其他话说,再贴给我吧.这四句话我纯粹翻译过来了.老师给我们放江南style的MV就是为了让我们写作文,老师说可以自己加一些话使文章连贯些,就是自己编写句子,能行不?Several days ago, when i was watching the television,i saw some primary school students doing riding horse dancing. They were dancing passionately with the rhythm of the music. The dance they performed is called Gangnam style. It is originated from Korea and now is very popular in China and around the world. The students said that they preferred riding horse dancing of Gangnam style to gymnastics. And i have the same feelings as they had. I think Gangnam style is suitable for young people. But Gangnam style appeals to not only theyoung people, but people of all ages. It's very common for you to see the aged people dancing Gangnan style at parks in the morning.够不够呢.. 懒得数了。