

Speech recognition systems that do not require a user to train the system are known as speaker-independent systems.Speech recognition in the VoiceXML world must be speaker-independent.Think of how many users (hundreds,maybe thousands) may be calling into your web site.You cannot require that each caller train the system to his or her voice.The speech recognition system in a voice-enabled web application MUST successfully process the speech of many different callers without having to understand the individual voice characteristics of each caller.

不需要人为去操作训练的演讲识别系统就是众所周知的演讲者独立系统.基于 VoiceXML 的演讲识别必须要求演讲者是独立的.试想有多少(几百个或者是几千个?)使用人士能进入你的网站.你不能要求每一个通话者接受此系统的...