不过刚吃完饭不久我们就又被指派到我们的场地工作去了,到了我们的locality 6,看着昨天的成果:一共有13件artifacts从土里冒出了一点点小头.行,还不算太落后.我和***把一件件的artifacts都挖了出来,然后把baulk固定好,用刷子刷下这些artifacts的土.努力果然没白费,我们只用了差不多一小时就把这个小场地搞定了.
Last night I had been chatting with friends late into the night,but did not think too much hardship.Today,all of a sudden become the breakfast is especially good,and I do together *** HAM,Oh,it should be in the wild because of the reasons for it.
After dinner but just in the near future we also assigned to our site to work,to our locality 6,looked at the results of yesterday:a total of 13 artifacts from the earth up a little bit of a head.Line,not too backward.*** And I put a piece of the artifacts were dug out and then baulk fixed,and brush with brush these artifacts of the soil.No effort was in vain,we just spent almost an hour they get this little space.
The sun is very toxic,we have exactly the venue in the sun,I had a sweat,but have not finished the work,not the lunch-time