

_______ in Shanghai,they went in search of a restaurant.
A.as soon as their arrival B.on they arrived C.upon on their arrival D.upon they arrived
The chairman required the person_______ at that meeting
A.would be punished B.be punished C.punished D.was punished
Jack's weak voice suggested that she _______ ill,and her parents suggested she_______ a doctor.
A.be;should be B.was;should be C.should be;saw D.was;saw
第一题C选项是.upon their arrival

1.C .as soon as 后面接句子,upon 接词组、短语
2.B 虚拟语气,省should,后接动词原形
3.B 第二空应该是should see 吧.前一个suggest 表示“暗示”时不用虚拟语气,故用过去式.后一个suggest 表“建议”用虚拟.