

In the sentence or a phrase there is sometimes a word between words that are next to each other.Find the word or words hidden in the following sentence and phrase.
Example:You have to correct each error carefully.teather
1.scientific papers and books
2.EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of Paris.
3.You hit my car!The dent is there for all to see!
4.The surface was hot so I didn't open it.

题意我倒是看懂了,就是说每句话里面都有邻近的两个或者三个单词可以组合成另一个单词,让你把藏在里面的那个单词找出来例句就是这样(大写显示)You have to correcT EACH ERror carefully.teacher 至于后面的题,不好意...