我穿红色的衣服是I am in red还是I in red
我穿红色的衣服是I am in red还是I in red
I am in red
- 这个英文句子的意思,我不清楚?i am sure he doesnt have a lot of work to do .(我不知道这句话的确切意思是什么,是我不能确定他有很多工作呢,还是我确定他没有很多工作呢?糊涂啊
- 英语翻译2、有人组织的适合儿童的游戏都有什么?What are some ____ ____ ____ ____?3、未来餐馆是一个食物既美味又便宜的地方 Future Restrant is a __________ the food is_________delicious _______cheap4、这位父亲装扮成小丑以便让自己的儿子高兴起来 The father _____ _____ _____ a clown to ______ his son ______5、我喜欢在不拥挤的百货商场里购物 I like _____ _____ in ______ ________ department store6、我第一次见到她的时候,她戴着一顶红色的帽子 The_______ _______I_____her ,she_____a red hat7、你在做这项工作时本应该更认真些 You ____ ____been more _____when you did the job8、你知道在哪能买到
- i am ten years old this RT是我今年就要十岁了,还是我今年十岁了的意思
- 语文故事感想让世界变绿 一个百万富翁患了一种顽固的眼疾,他接受过多次治疗,但都无济于事.后来,他听说一位僧人专治此类疑难杂症,于是便把僧人请来看病.僧人查看了百万富翁的病情后,嘱咐说:“这段时间你只能专注于看绿色的东西,千万不要看其他颜色.这样你的病就会慢慢好起来.”僧人走后,百万富翁便叫人买来一卡车的颜料,将所有他能她能看见的东西都涂上了绿色.过了些日子,僧人再次登门造访,百万富翁的仆人立刻要用一桶绿色涂料浇在他身上,因为这僧人穿的是红色衣服,仆人说百万富翁看到红颜色眼睛会痛.僧人笑笑,问百万富翁:“你能把整个世界都涂成绿色吗?” 百万富翁叹了口气说:“不能,可我又能怎么办呢,你不是叮嘱我只能看绿色的东西吗?”僧人说:“其实你只需花几个硬币就可以解决所有的问题,何必这样大费周折呢?” 百万富翁还是不明白,僧人不紧不慢地说:“上街去买一副绿色眼镜.” 人生在世,你不能把整个世界改变,但起码你可以从自己开始改变,世界会因你而变最后一句丰富一些,联系到生活
- i am going to be an interpreterbe going 表将来 那么am是系动词还是助动词呢?我书写的是 助动词 怎么回事哦。
- 请问 I am getting married. 这句话的意思是?请问 I am getting married. 这句话的意思是“我就要结婚了”还是“我已经结婚了”?谢谢!
- 理解一份英文信下面是我刚收到的一封信,文章意思我是大概知道的,只是我想问一下,这是纯粹的交普通朋友的信还是有什么其他意思?Compliments of the day to you.It is with sincere and profound happiness to write to you this day,however am Beatrice by name,how are you hope you are fine,I did saw your email address today at www.pen88.com and took intestine in it,if you do not mind i will love to know you and if you are the kind of person am thinking about ,please send me a mail on my private email here so that i will tell
- 懂英语的朋友帮忙看看1.i can remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is.what color red is是从句从句吧?2.i simplely mean that the loss of them made me appreciate more what i had been left.that 引导宾语从句,the loss of them 在从句中做主语,appreciate more 作宾补,what引导的是什么?3.an assurance that i am,despite imperfection,a real,positive person,that somewhere in the sweeping,intricate pattern of people there is a special place where i can make myself fit.where引导的状语从句吧,despite
- 初二英语几道习题急1.Tom was _____(illness) this moring.2.Do not _____ (worried) about you Chinese.3.In _____ parts of China.4.In china bikes and buses are the most popular ____of ___{翻译:在中国自行车和公共汽车是最受欢迎的交通工具}5.Good health________good dood .{翻译:良好的健康状态依赖于良好的食物}6.I am new here .I need ______(buy a map of the city.)7.The red light ___(mean stop )8.Be___(quickly)!the bus is coming.9.选择:___he was tired,___the man did not stoop to have a rest.A .Although but B.Altho
- I bet 和 you bet的区别以及有关bet的短语我的课本里记着I bet ...等同于I am sure that...意思是“我确定...” you bet等同于 of course意思是“当然”那是一楼的答案正确还是我的笔记正确?那I bet ...能不能等同于I am sure that...
- 她总是穿红色的衣服 she —— —— in red
- “三上”“三余”分别指什么?