英文offer接受后回复内容!急 谢谢!加分!


英文offer接受后回复内容!急 谢谢!加分!
如题 空白的地方需要填写什么内容啊 我有的不是很确定
Acceptance Of Offer
Name: ____________
ID: ____________
XXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. __________ Branch
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please refer to your offer letter no. ____________________ issued on _____________, I hereby accept this offer of employment and agree with the terms and conditions specified therein.
I will join the services the XXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. _______ Branch on __________________.
Signature: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________

From,Name:____________ 自己的名字 ID:____________ 自己的证件号(从以前的通讯判断是不是身份证号)To,XXXXXXXX Co.,Ltd.__________ Branch (公司录用你的部门名称)Dear Sir/Madam,Please refer to your offer let...