

What kind of sports do you like best and why?
2.What kind of music do you enjoy and why?
3.Could you say something about your hometown?
4.Do you like watching TV?What kind of programs is your favorite one and why?
我一般很少看电视,我只看CCTV5,因为我只看足球.5.What's your opinion about travelling?
第二题.Imagine that the bicycle ordered online has not been received yet.Make a dialogue in pairs,one student acting as a customer and the other student acting as a customer service representative working for Tao Bao.The dialogue is expected to include the following contents:the problem,possible reasons,details and solutions.Try to use the language points you have learnt.需要一个两个人完成对话文本.时间在2分钟左右.不用太长.
分有点少- -.

My favorite sport is football,and I think that football is a passion,I love the team is Bayern Munich,I love basketball player is RobbeI love all the songs of Taylor Swift,I began to listen to her son...