

本设计的目的是实现ZnO 压敏电阻器烧结炉温度控制,选用Mcs-51单片机作为本设计核心器件.具有键盘输入温度给定值,LED数码管显示温度值和温度达到极限时提醒操作人员注意的功能.报警温度的上下限可*设定.本文主要讨论其硬件部分的设计思路及实现.

The aim of the design is to achieve ZnO Yamin resistance by sintering furnace temperature control.Mcs-51 SCM(单片机) is used as the parts of the apparatus for design core.It has the constant temperature of keyboard input,LED digital temperature and temperature control that limits reminded operators attention to the function.The limited temperature for giving a alarm can be free to set.The article mainly discusses the hardware part of the design ideas and the ways of its realization.