谁能帮忙翻译如下的一段英文,设计IP 地址以及BGP路由?
谁能帮忙翻译如下的一段英文,设计IP 地址以及BGP路由?
Covered prefixes are usually due to practical purposes such as load sharing or multihoming. To help infer the actual routing practice for covered prefixes, in Table 1 we classify covered prefixes into four classes based on theiradvertise- ment paths relative to thatof their corresponding covering prefixes, with two of them further classified into sub-classes. The classification is inclusive, thatis, every covered prefix falls into one of the classes. Figure 15 shows examples for all the classes and sub-classes, where a solid line with arrow between two ASes represents a provider to customer AS re- lationship, which is inferred by using Gao’s algorithm [6], a line without arrow shows the cases where the relation cannot be directlydetermined by the routingtable, and a dashed line witharrow indicates prefix advertisement.Note that
the line between twoASes represents a logical connection which correspond to more than one physical connections be- tween the two Ases. Also note thatthis classification does not include level-2+ covered prefixes, which make less than
5% of the routing table entries. Due to space limit,we skip the discussion on the motivationsfor various prefix adver- tisementpractices; interested readers can find more detail in [9].