Talk about fakes or imitaiions in China


Talk about fakes or imitaiions in China
这个就是一个简单的口语练习,主要是看自己对china fake的看法,只要表达流畅,主题明确即可……不用太深层次的讨论……

简单易懂能有深度吗?这是几千年的结果,2分钟能说明白吗?这个就是一个简单的口语练习,,主要是看自己对china fake的看法,只要表达流畅,主题明确即可……不用太深层次的讨论……Chinese, as a language, happens to be 2D,but English, and many others, is 1D, as we see.1D for a faster talk, as well as a faster walk,but 2D, neither, though it helps you and me.How does it help, when slower to learn?It's better for cognition, as already well known.If that is what it is, what can we do?To copy from others, as has been shown.Good luck.