求英语作文,200左右,What social problems are there in China?List as least three of them and talk about what should be done to deal with these problems respectively.单词尽量是常用的


What social problems are there in China?List as least three of them and talk about what should be done to deal with these problems respectively.

1.Although China develops very fast in nowadays,the population is so large that every people on average gets so little.so we should take actions to deal with it just obey the law of family planning.
2.Wealth inbalance is another problem in China which causes many troubles such as murder,thives,rob.In order to solve this problem,the gorvements have thought many ways that let people pay different taxes in different levels.But the most basic way is developping the economics in China.It is a long way to go.
3.There exsits many corruption and corrupt phenomenons.As to myself,all practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience. a perfect law system must be made and we can learn from the westen coutries.

Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention,And now let's talk about it.First and foremost,China is a big agricultural country, 900 million farmers, rural...