The Nile is the longest river in Africa.(同义句)


The Nile is the longest river in Africa.(同义句)
=The Nile is longer than ___ _____ _______in Africa.
=The Nile is longer than ___ _____ _______in Africa.
区分:The Nile is longer than ____ ____in Europe.

The Nile is longer than _any__ ___other__ ___river____in Africa.The Nile is longer than __the_ __other___ __rivers_____in Africa. Nile is longer than _any___ __river__in Europe.那么China is the largest country in Asia.(同义句)=China is larger than____ _________in Asia.=China is larger than____ _________in Asia.区分:China is larger than _________ in Europe

  1. any other contry

  2. the other countries

  3. any country