The foremost direction-setting question seninor managers need to ask is “What is our vision for the company—What are we trying to do and to become?” Developing a carefully reasoned answer to this question pushes managers to consider what the company’s bussiness character is and should be and to develop a clear picture of where the company needs to be headed over the next 5 to 10 years.Managerment’s answer to “who we are,what we do,and where we’re headed” charts a course for the organization to take and helps establish a strong organizational identity.What a company seeks to do and to become is company’s mission.A mission statement defined a company’s business and provides a clear view of what the company is trying to accomplish for its customers.Management’s view of the kind of company it is trying to create and its intent to stake out a particular business position represent a strategic vision for the company.By developing and communicating a business mission and strategic vision,management infuses the workforce with a sense of purpose and a persuasive rationale for the company’s future direction.