

1.I _____ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.
2.Her father ______(read) a newspaper last night.
3.We ______ to zoo yesterday,we _____ to the park.(go)
4._____ you _____ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?
5.______ he ______(fly) a kite on Sunday?Yes,he ______.
6.Gao Shan _______(put) up the picture last night.
7.I _______ (sweep) the floor yesterday,but my mother ______.
8.What ______ she ______(find) in the garden last morning?
She _______(find) a beautiful butterfly.
9.How _______(be) Jim's weekend?It _______(be not) bad.
10.________ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year?No.she __________.
11.I _______(have) an exciting party last weekend.
12._________ she ______(practice) her guitar yesterday?No,she _________.
13.What ________ Tom _____ (do) on Saturday evening?
He ________(watch) TV and ______(read) an interesting book.
14.They all ______(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.
15.She ______(not visit) her aunt last weekend.
She ________ (stay) at home and ______(do) some cleaning.
16.When ______ you ______(write) this song?
I _______(write) it last year.
17.My friend,Carol,________(study) for the math test and ____(practice) English last night.
18.________ Mr.Li _____(do) the project on Monday morning?Yes,he ___

1.watched2.read3.went;went4.Did;visit5.Did;fly;flew6.put7.swept;didn't8.did;find;found9.was;was not10.Was;wasn't11.had12.Did;practise;didn't13.did;do;watched;read14.went15.didn't visit;stayed;did16.di...