keep A from B,shield A from B, separate A from B的区别


keep A from B,shield A from B, separate A from B的区别

先说separate A from B吧,这个有把一些东西从另一些东西中分开的含义,侧重于分开,区分,分离,意味着AB原来在一起,现在要把他们分开.例如:The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting.
再说shield A from B,有保护,遮挡的含义,用A来遮挡或者保护B,例如:He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.
最后说说keep A from B只是不同种类的两种东西,只是单纯地把两个隔开,如果是人的话就是不再接触的意思.例如:Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things.