

【关键词】 儿童;动机;亲社会行为
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Abstract:Pro-social behavior plays a very important role in the highly socialized life of human beings,which is beneficial to the society.There are many factors influencing the pro-social behavior.This paper states 7 concrete factors influencing the pro-social behaviors based on the result of the study in the motivation of childern's pro-social behaviors by lots of psychologists and expounds the effect of motivation on behavior in the motivation theories of all kinds of childern's pre-social behaviors,such as,Interaction Theory,Theory Of Decision Making; the heuristic model of Eisenberg's pro-social behavior explains that there has been a circulating development model on the generation of childern's pro-social behaviors; relevant studies and development tendency of the motivation of childern's pro-social behaviors.
Key words:childern; motivation; pro-social behavior