英语翻译1.人人都需要吃、喝和休息.2.这个大厅可容纳多达三千人.(up to)3.自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知识体系.(systematize)4.第一次世界大战爆发于1914年.5.他们的钱用完了,只好中断了工程.6.无论你将从事哪一门自然科学的研究,对基本化学知识的了解都是十分必要的.(discipline,pursue)7.孩子们不断地蹦跳,以便热身.8.东京经常发生地震,因此,街上到处都有防震警报.9.他决心要使自己的儿子对音乐发生兴趣.10.很难说出从那个具体的时间或事件开始,他俩成了死对头.11.与她所受的伤害相比,我的遭遇算不了什么.12.生态平衡一旦被破坏,就会引起不可想象的严重后果.13.自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知识体系.(systematize)14.我们无法估量噪音会给我们造成多大的伤害.(measure)15.他们所做的一切,只不过是浪费更多的时间.我不要网上的快译哈,希望能给我一些比较专业的比较正确的,呵呵,


2.这个大厅可容纳多达三千人.(up to)

1. everyone need to eat, drink and rest.
2. this Hall can accommodate up to michindo.
3. the erphring of the door to make a systematic knowledge system.
4. the first world war in 1914.
5. their money juiceon, had to interrupt the project.
6. no matter where you will be engaged in what science research on basic understanding of chemical knowledge are very necessary
7. children up to warm up.
8. the Tokyo earthquake occurs frequently, therefore, the streets there are anti-oscillation alerts.
9. He was determined to make his own son became interested in music.
10. to say out from that specific time or event begins, they became arch enemy.
11. with her victimization than i do anything.
12. the ecological balance once destroyed, be caused by the incredibly serious consequences.
13. the erphring of the door to make a systematic knowledge system.
14. we are unable to measure the noise will give us great harm.
15. what they have done everything, just wasting more time.

1. Everyone needs to eat, drink and rest.
2 this hall can accommodate up to three thousand. 185
3 the various categories of natural science constitutes a systematized knowledge system.
4 the first world war in 1914.
5 they run out of money, we had to interrupt the project.
6 whether you will be engaged in which the study of natural science, the basic knowledge of chemistry is very necessary. Praise ,
Seven children, in order to constantly jumping up.
Earthquakes occur frequently in Tokyo, and, therefore, the streets are earthquake warning.
9 he is determined to make his son to music.
10. It is difficult to tell from the specific time or events, they become rivals began.
11 and she has been hurt, I encounter compared to nothing.
12. The ecological balance, will be destroyed when the serious consequences caused unthinkable.
The various categories of natural science constitutes a systematized knowledge system.
14 we cannot measure noise will give us caused much damage.
15 all that they do, just waste more time.

1.人人都需要吃、喝和休息.Everyone needs to eat, drink and rest.2.这个大厅可容纳多达三千人.(up to)This hall can admits up to three thousand people.3.自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知识体系.(system...

1. That we all need to eat, drink and rest.
2. The hall can accommodate up to 3000 people.
3. The major categories of natural sciences constitute a systematic body of knowledge.
4. World War I broke out in 1914.
5. They run out of money, they interrupt the project.
6. No matter which door you will be engaged in natural science research on understanding the basic chemical knowledge is very necessary.
7. Crowhop kids constantly in order to warm-up.
8. Tokyo frequent earthquakes, therefore, the streets everywhere earthquake warning.
9. He was determined to make his son an interest in music.
10. It is difficult to say from that specific time or event to start, they become enemies.
11. With her compared to the injury, I suffered nothing.
12. Ecological balance is damaged, it will cause serious consequences unimaginable.
13. The major categories of natural sciences constitute a systematic body of knowledge.
14. We can not estimate how much noise would harm us.
15. What they have done, but more time is wasted.