The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer.这里的that如果不省略,可以是:


The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer.这里的that如果不省略,可以是:
The mummy is mummy of Shepenmut.这样的形式吗

The mummy is the mummy of Shepenmut.
意思就是这里提到mummy 是 whoThe mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer......这里的that如果不代指the mummy,可以是:The mummy is mummy of Shepenmut.......这样的形式吗,不加the不可以 名词前面至少要有个athis that the 之类的才可为什么,什么结构This is a apple. 你问问老师a 可以去掉不。 这个问题就解决了你也不太会那你就去吧。这个问题上较真没什么意思。