the way the guests__in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.


the way the guests__in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.
A treated.B were treated 为什么不能用A?是定语从句吗?补充完整是什么啊?

分析:the way the guests were treated 是定语从句,完整句型是:the way that/which the guests were treated(客人被招待的方式),先行词是the way,the guests were treated 作定语用来修饰the way,从句the guests were treated 要用被动语态,表示被招待、被对待的方式.谢谢,过去分词也可是被动语态啊,如果是that 或which引导的定语从句,那这两个引导词是要在从句中做成分的,这里不做吧?是将引导词省略了吗?这里可以省吗?还请您指点。第一,被动语态中的动词变形就是过去分词噢,这个不用质疑。第二,定语从句方面的知识你还需要补充学习一下,以that、which等关系代词引导的定语从句,that、which是做关系代词来讲的,其是否可以省略,我下面给你提供下参考资料噢:在下列情况下,引导宾语从句的关联词可以省略。 一、that在定语从句中作表语时。例如: She is all (that) a teacher should be. 她具备一个老师应该具备的所有条件。 二、that在从句中作补语时。例如: I'm not the fool(that) you thought me. 我不是你以前所认为的那个*了。 He is the nicest teacher (that) the students consider him in their school. 他就是学生认为学校中最好的那个老师。 三、作状语时的省略。 1. 当先行词是reason,且在定语从句中作原因状语时,可以用关系副词why或关系代词that,也可以省略。例如: The reason (why/that) he failed was his laziness. 他失败的原因是因为他懒惰。 That is the reason I did it. 那就是我做那件事的原因。 2. 当先行词是way,且在定语从句中作方式状语时,关联词可用in which或that,也可以省略。例如: The way(in which/ that) these comrades look at problems is wrong.这些同志看待问题的方式是错误的。 That was the way(in which / that) she worked the problem out. 她就是用那种办法解决问题的。 3. 当先行词是time时,关联词可用when, that或省略。例如: The second time (that) I saw him was in 2000. 我第二次见到他是在2000年。 I don't know the exact time (when/ that) the sports meeting will take place. 我不知道运动会举办的确切时间。 4.当先行词是place时,关联词可用where,that或省略。例如: The place(where/ that) we will have our picnic is not decided yet. 我们举行野餐的地点还没定下来。 This is the right place he was born.这儿就是他的出生地。(注意:句末不可用介词in)