Father's love is like···,···and···,前面的名词要求和最后的那个形容词押韵,写四个句子.


Father's love is like···,···and···,前面的名词要求和最后的那个形容词押韵,写四个句子.

Father's love is like a present,surprising and pleasant.
Father's love is like a waterfall,fascinating and beautiful.
Father's love is like a chorus,holy and dolorous.
Father's love is like a hill,taciturn and still.
自己写的,水平有限,因而用了一些稍难的词,注释一下:waterfall 瀑布;chorus 教堂合唱; holy 圣洁的; dolorous 忧伤的; taciturn 沉默不语的; still 屹立不动的