

The determination of starch contents was carried out followingthe method of Zhao et al.(2008).After addition of 5 ml of HCl (0.33 M),1 g of grain powder was kept in a boiling water bath for 10 min and 0.5 ml of 30% (m/v) ZnSO4 was added and mixed thoroughly to deposit the grain protein from cooled HCl reaction mixtures; 0.5 ml of 30% (m/v) k3 [Fe (CN)6] was then added and mixed by shaking.The reaction mixtures were adjusted to a volume of 20 ml,then shaken up and filtrated.Starch was then hydrolysed completely into glucose,which was determined by an automatic recording polarimeter (WZZ-2A; SPOIF,Shanghai,
China) using polarimetric analysis at 20–25\2C.Starch content (%) = [(20 9 a)/aD 9 L 9 M (1-H)] 9 100,
