初中语法总复习题.(英语)1. ____the age of twenty,peter went to shanghai to look for a job.2.tom's mom is worried____her son's eyesight as he plays online games too much.3.what do you usually eat_____breakfast?4.the knife is used_____cutting things. 「 不怎么会做, 有人会做么. 谢谢哈.」


1. ____the age of twenty,peter went to shanghai to look for a job.
2.tom's mom is worried____her son's eyesight as he plays online games too much.
3.what do you usually eat_____breakfast?
4.the knife is used_____cutting things.
「 不怎么会做, 有人会做么. 谢谢哈.」

1 at
2 about
3 for
4 to

1 at
2 about
3 for
4 for

1、At at the age of +年龄 在多大的时候 是一个固定短语 此处用作状语;
2、about worry about/be worried about (名词、动名词、代词)是固定短语 担心……;
3、at 意思是“你平时早餐吃什么?” at breakfast 固定短语 在早餐时;
4、for 这个句子可以是“is used for cutting things ”也可是是“ is used to cut things”
用for cutting或to cut都是目的状语从句 不过一个是介词加动名词 一个是动词不定式