Why We Should Not Use Cloning 有关的作文谁有?
Why We Should Not Use Cloning 有关的作文谁有?
- 大家看看我这偏雅思大作文可以拿几分?要按雅思的评分标准来的啊 要求是:The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems.What are these problems?In order to reduce the problems,should we discourage people from using cars?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.我的文章如下:Using cars is inevitable in our lives.It is convenient to take you to everywhere,not to mention,using it go to work.However,we must deal with some serious problem
- 大家看看我这偏雅思大作文可以拿几分?要按雅思的评分标准来的啊 要求是:The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems.What are these problems? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people from using cars? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 我的文章如下:Using cars is inevitable in our lives.It is convenient to take you to everywhere,not to mention,using it go to work.However,we must deal with some serious
- 初一(上海牛津版)英语问题because、as...as、make good use of、 different from用在不同的答案中We can do a lot to protect our environment.Why should not we use disposable things?( 1 ).Buying things nearby does not waste ( 2 ) buying things far away.( 3 ) the handkerchief,tissues can be only used once,so we should ( 4 ) .Although sea water looks ( 5 ) fresh water, we can save a lot of fresh water, if we ( 6 ) .
- 麻烦帮我修改下这篇英语作文 有关于抗震救灾的英语文章,检查下有没有语法问题,看一下有没有语法错误,顺便帮我加几句有文采的句子.There was a terrible earthquake.Many students can not go to school because plenty of schools were destroyed.A lot of people lost their homes and lives.We all feel sad.We should do something as much as possible to help them.We can raise money to them and sent food drinks and tents to them.We should give them warmth.
- 关于校园环保英语作文注意:要写到校园有什麽浪费的,还要写到怎样节约.一定要用的词语:1.we should save water and electricing 2.make good use 3.let's do it from now on 4.what are you waiting for不要太长的,八十字左右,
- 求英语作文.不要复制的,抄袭的,力求原创!,一、Should we totally turn to the Internet(1.现在不少人遇到问题就上网搜答案2.这种现象可能产生的影响3.个人观点)二、Should primary school offer a foreign language course(1,现在有些小学开设外语课程2.有人认为外语学习越早越好,有人持反对意见3.个人观点)三、Limiting the use of disposable plastic bags(1.、一次性塑料袋曾广为使用2,由此带来的问题3.限制一次性塑料代使用的意义)PS:难度有点大,但这三篇实在难为小弟了,求大神赐教啊 好的话追加分数! 大恩不言谢!本人大二,要求120个词以上,140左右最佳 好的话追加30 言而有信 谢谢啦 !
- 有关SAT作文的问题1.作文的例子举像《心灵鸡汤》上的小故事可以吗,就是那种很有哲理但说不清出处的例子?2.是不是在众多例子中一定要有一个是名人的?3.What is one important "easy and preferred answer" that we should resisit?That is,what dangerous misconception do people commonly hold?像这样的题目,应该写都有什么misconception,还是写怎么面对这些misconception,比如像挑战权威之类的?像这样的题目是不是他问什么你答什么就对了,不用往其他题目上靠?是不是写后者就跑题了?如果好的话会有加分!就是比如第三个题目这样的,问的是what,个人觉得不应该写挑战权威,应该写有哪些commonly hold的是的misconception,但自己又说不好SAT希望你写什么,怕写跑题还有比如“人们是否太注重赢?”这样的题目应该回答是或否,(希望这些能解释的明白)
- 英语作文 题目:why shouldn't we use cloning?(为什么我们不要克隆 )题目:why shouldn't we use cloning? (为什么我们不要克隆 ) 要求120字
- 英语作文 题目:why shouldn't we use cloning?(为什么我们不要克隆 )
- 急求一篇英语作文,关于为什么我们不能克隆的文章.100~120字.名字就是why should,t not we use cloning
- We can take the school bus to Century Park ,改成同义句
- 英语翻译what a fine day!let's go out for a walk along the river bank.