急求一篇英语作文,关于为什么我们不能克隆的文章.100~120字.名字就是why should,t not we use cloning


急求一篇英语作文,关于为什么我们不能克隆的文章.100~120字.名字就是why should,t not we use cloning

我对这个题材很感兴趣,给你原创一编作文(Pandora box = 潘多拉盒子):
While cloning provides many immediately obvious benefits, it also opens a Pandora box that will destroy social orders as we know it. Human society functions based on succession of generations and on each generation's DNA being different from the previous. With cloning, both of those will be changed forever. Cloning will allow those who can afford to produce fully transplantable organs to replace their aging organs and therefore possibly live to be hundreds of years old. Some may attempt to clone a complete copy of themselves and it means two generations will have exactly the same genetic composition. With line of generations blurred and unique genetic compositions across generations no longer a guarantee, human society as we know it will no longer be possible. And once this Pandora box is opened, it can never be closed again.

why should,t not we use cloning Though there are many disagreements to cloning,but there is no doubts that cloning can help us solve many problems.Firstly,cloning can help couples to have babies they ...