The ambassador’s wife went on asking questions,when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband’s hat.‘And how can you explain that?’ she asked.如果我用一句话代替:Can you explain come about that your hat has a big hole.这句话是这样写对吗?


The ambassador’s wife went on asking questions,when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband’s hat.
‘And how can you explain that?’ she asked.
如果我用一句话代替:Can you explain come about that your hat has a big hole.这句话是这样写对吗?


错误。你的句子当中 explain come about ,两个动词挨着是不行的。
可是说成“Can you explain how the big hole in your coat came about?"

这样写是不对的,可以说:How can you explain that your hat has a big hole?
或者Can you explain how your hat has a big hole?

改成:Can you explain how come that your hat has a big hole.
因为原句...explain come about that ...中explain come about 同时出现两个谓语动词,不行。