This group of farmers painted many pictures of water flowing over the land and rain with lightning.长难句分析


This group of farmers painted many pictures of water flowing over the land and rain with lightning.

this group of farmers 这组农夫
painted many pictures 画了很多幅图
of water flowing over the land(这个图是什么呢?) 水流过大地
and rain with lightning 和 雷雨交加
总体来翻译就是 几个农夫画了几幅有关 雷雨交加时,水流过陆地

“This group of farmers painted many pictures” 这批农民画了很多张画,
“water flowing over the land and rain with lightning”是描述的画的内容:雷雨中,大水流过土地。

主语是This group of farmers,谓语是painted,后面都是宾语.of后面的都是修饰pictures的,而修饰语里water后面的ing结构修饰water,rain后面的with结构修饰rain.