from“crowding in”to “dynamizing in” 以及Crowding in is a concept that — while defending the public sector — is still using as a benchmark the negative:the possibility that government investment crowds out private investment,by competing for the same limited amount of savings.
我的理解是把crowd in翻成“挤入”,主要是“dynamizing in”和“ benchmark the negative”不能理解
楼主的断句是有问题吧,能把整段贴上来吗? crowd in 可以理解为挤入, dynamizing in可以理解为动态填入. 还有就是benchmark 后面应该是个句号吧.前面那个只是个标题,内容是将*在公私合作里要主动,占主导地位;后面那个的确是个冒号,我是这么理解的“挤入仍是作为一个XX的概念被使用”,后面是一种补充。Crowding in is a concept that — while defending the public sector — is still using as a benchmark the negative: the possibility that government investment crowds out private investment, by competing for the same limited amount of savings. *资金的涌入(虽然是在保护公共利益),也是被当做一个负面评判的基准:在竞争有限的存款方面,*投资可能挤掉私人投资.