To the most reverend lord bishop of Soissons, Goslen, Suger by the patience of God abbot of St. Denis the areopagite, servant of God as best he can be, hoping to be united episcopally with the bishop of bishops.
We ought to submit ourselves and out works to the deliberation and judgement of those by whom, on the day of judgement, the sentence of love or hate will be pronounced according to deserts, when (Proverbs XXXI, 23) 'the noble man shall sit in the gates with the senators of this earth'. Therefore, best of men, even had you not occupied the episcopal throne, to which I am wholly devoted in Him to whom you are totally devoted - and I could say no more of you than that if you asked me to - I am sending to the decision of your approved wisdom the deeds of the most serene King of the French Louis. Thus, because he showed himself the most generous of lords in promoting us and also when we had been promoted, both I in writing and you in correcting may equally praise the man whom we have equally loved and whose death we equally lament and deplore. For friendship, even when it is born of benefits received, does not oppose charity, since He who ordered us to love our enemies did not forbid us to love our friends. So in payment of a double debt of gratitude and charity - although unequal not incompatible - let us erect him 'a monument more durable than bronze' (Horace, Odes III, 30, v. 1), when with my pen I describe his devotion to the church's worship of God and his marvellous zeal for the good of the kingdom, which the passage of time ought not to delete from
men's memory; nor should the ardent prayers of the interceding church cease from generation to generation, in acknowledgement of the great benefits it received from him.
May your highness occupy happily your episcopal throne among the senators of the sky.