Currently we have vacant positions in oncology,diabetes,Plavix and Essentiale product line.HR people responsible for these products interviewed the candidate you recommended and here is the interview feedback.
-Open and extravert,optimistic
- interpersonal communication skill
- Lack of pharma industry experience and understanding
- No relevant education background (medicine or pharmacy)
Sales team usually would like to use candidates who has pharma sales background,or sales background,hospital background or at least people with relevant education background,as Shanghai is a key market with intensive competition.Besides,we are now implementing internal product certificate and RDPAC certificate,all sales reps need to go through and pass the test before he/she is able to pass the probation.
Based on the above,we may no consider him for our current vacant positions.
Pls call should you have any query,
我们在肿瘤学、糖尿病, Plavix和Essentiale当前有空置位置产品系列. 小时人负责任对这些产品采访了您推荐和这采访反馈的候选人. 好处-开放和外向,乐观-人际的表达能力 缺点-缺乏pharma产业经验和了解-没有相关的...