

I realized I was holding an apple tree in my hand.It is a rule of nature that only a few of these seeds grow.Most never do or are destroyed early on in their growth.
I put the apple seed on the table,and watched it.I thought a lot about it.When someone is growing apples,how mant times do they have to try to get a seed to grow?How much work does it need?
Maybe it is like with our dreams:the seed of your dreams do not grow by themselves.Like planting an apple tree,it might take many tries like 100 job applications to get that good job.But if you keep on planting the seeds if your dream,one day you will succeed.And after that,others will say you are lucky when in fact you prebably failed moretimes than you would like to count.But you were giid at failing - you learned,you changed,and then with your nex knowledge you tried again.And again.And again.And one day success was yours.
I picked up the apple seed again - but instead of throwing it away I took an empty flower pot,poured some earth into it and planted the seed.
Maybe one day it will grow into a tree,I'll never know if I don't try.
