

8.In the early days,the mere fact of discovering a new land,together with the riches that trade might bring,was sufficient reason to _________ an exploration.(A) apply (B) desire (C) launch (D) possess
10.How much food do you guess ______ with them when surrounded by the enemy?(A) they had (B) did they have
(C) do they have (D) they have
13.When we pointed out to him that money in itself meant nothing to us,he was beamed
a b c
with pleasure.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
14."Thank you for your perfect control.Without you,______" said the host.(A) we would be attacked by the cobra
(B) we should be attacked by the cobra
(C) we have been attacked by the cobra
(D) we would have been attacked by the cobra
15.Hardly had he finished his question ______ I lifted my hand and made scissoring motions with my first two fingers.
(A) than (B) when (C) then (D) as
16.The student had much difficulty ________ the English letter.(A) to type (B) of typing
(C) in typing (D) at typing
17.The boy began to tell us all the wonders he had seen in his travels _________ great detail.(A) with (B) by (C) in (D) of
18."Do you think _____ they will bring back the death penalty soon?" (A) if (B) when (C) whether (D) that
19._______ makes men different from the other animals is that they can think and speak.(A) That (B) The thing (C) All (D) What
20.The honest young surgeon admitted to have made errors in judgment on more than one occasion.
a b c d
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
21._______ was usual with him,he reviewed all the facts of the case after he had made the decision.(A) As (B) Such (C) So (D) What
22.For this question,you are only required to state the_____ facts.(A) empty (B) bare (C) vacant (D) deserted
23._______,I might have ended up dead.(A) Were he not to come to the rescue
(B) Should he not come to the rescue
(C) Had he not come to the rescue
(D) If he did not come to the rescue
24.I will give you such information ________ help you in your study.
(A) as will (B) as it will
(C) that will (D) which will
25.The representatives of the two sides have now agreed _______ the proposals to be put before their members.(A) on (B) with (C) to (D) about

8 c10 a do you guess 应该是插入语13 c 去掉in15 b16 c have difficulty in doing sth17 c in detail 是详细的意思18c 疑问句中用 whether19d 主语从句20d occasion 应该加s21a22b23c 虚拟语气倒装24d25a……终于写...