

11. Different from her ________ husband, she is actively involved in public affairs. (center, self)
12. Money can be borrowed for one day or for many years. ________ loans are for
a year or less. (short, term)
13. Many people worshiped a number of gods. They thought that angry gods caused
personal ________. ( fortune )
14. The number of tigers in nature has greatly decreased. The ________ of wild
tigers has become a serious problem. ( survive )
15. The chief functions of live are to help the body digest and use food and to
help ________the blood of wastes and poisons. ( pure )
16. People make coats and other clothing from fur. They value fur for its beauty
as well as for the ________ it provides. ( warm )
17. Chicago has alwaysbeen known as a city where ________ people could find good jobs. ( Industry )
18. The first society to be established for theprevention of ________ to animals was founded in England in 1824. ( cruel )
19. Bricks are strong, hard, andresistant to fire and ________ from the weather, so they have been used as a building material for thousands of years. ( damage )
20. Colour-blind people can’t make a ________ between colours. ( distinct )
21.The book published in 1962 _____ into the public consciousness. (explosive )

11 self-centered12 Short-termed13 misfortune14 survival15 purify16 warmth17 industrious18 cruelty19 damage20 distinction21 exploded这些题中 有些很挑战.欢迎追问.祝这位网友考博顺利!...