


  With the development of modern society and the diversity of socity demand, production competitonis getting fiercer and fiercerandupdate cycleisbecoming shorter and shorter.Therefore ,in this situation we are demandednot nolyto design new productions according marketplace , but also to manufactureits origin in the shortest possible timewhichis usedto performance test and modificationandfinally form stereotypes products. However, in the traditional manufacture system,it needs massive work of mold design,manufacture and modificationwhose costisquite high and whose cycle is quite long,so it is very difficult to adapt to the rapid marketplace changes .In order to improve the research and development and productionspeedto manufacture high -qualityand low -cost molds and productions so as to respond quickly to market changes, peoplehas made a lot of research and exploration. With thematuring of the laser processing technology and gradually decreasing price of the industrial use of high-power laser equipment , a significantreform has brought to mold manufacturing technology. Laser processing as advanced manufacturing technology has widely applied to many importantnational economydepartments like automotive, eletronic, eletrical, aviation, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing and so onandhas palyed a more and more important role in improving production quality ,labour productivity,automation,non-pollution and decreasing materialconsumption .This article has made a deep discussion about mold manufacturing ,mold surface strengthening and repairing ,cleaning ,replacing and so on several aspects through the understanding in the principles ,advantages and features of the laser processing technologycombined withthe present situation of mold manufacture.