Suppose that you are a lender.The real interest rate (r) now increases from 2% to
4%.Explain how this event will affect the fraction of income you choose to
consume and to save.Assume that you have to save to finance your retirement and
that your goal is to have $1 million by the time you retire (65 years old).
假设你是一个贷款人.实际利率(R)现在增加2%至 4%.解释这一事件将如何影响你选择收入的比例为
储蓄会变多,因为Real I.R.变高了;相对来讲,消费就少了.不好意思,我没太明白题干后半部分“Assume that you have to save to finance your retirement and
that your goal is to have $1 million by the time you retire (65 years old).”这个信息有什么用,还有之前的lender是把自己的钱借出去的人(这个跟loanable funds market有关系).希望能帮助到你.谢谢你的帮助,但我也不明白这个题的后半句。是不是说我把钱借出去,利率现在是4%,多久可以达到100万吗?可是本金也没有提到是多少啊。能帮我再想想吗,我实在不明白它考察的是宏观经济的哪个知识点?应该不是要问多久达到一百万。我觉得考点在实际利率怎么影响人们对于自己收入的分配:是消费还是储蓄起来。有没有可能后半句是在困惑你的?因为我看这个题最终想问的还是实际利率的变化怎么影响收入的分配(“Explain how this event will affect the fraction of income you choose to consume and to save.”)这题有点怪怪的O.O好的,多谢你的帮助!我去看看实际利率那章,找找思路。后天就考试了,好着急,考研究生题目好难!不过有你的指点,我终于不迷茫了,太感谢了!