

1.We thank you very much for your kind order of February 25,being accompanied by your check,value $2,000,which we received today.
2.We are glad to receuve your order and confirm that all the items required are in stock.
3.We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your order No.20 of cotton pillowcases of March 12.
4.If you are not already represented here,we should be interested in acting as your sole agent.
5.We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting now,because we are commanding an extensive domestic market in this line.
6.We would like to offer our services as your buying agent in Germany.

1十分感谢您在 2 月 25 日发来的订单和总额为 2000 美元的支票,我们今天都已收到.2我们很高兴收到您的订单并已确定您所需要的货品都有现货.3我们已收到您在 3 月 12日发出的关于棉枕套的 20 号订单,敬此告知4如果您...