

Analysis case Case:Comepetitive Intelligence Your company is in a highly competitive process(for a multi-million dollar contract)with your major rival.Your customer sends the final specifications in the mail and you discover the papers include the final offer sheet of your competitor.You are not sure if it was an accident or on purpose.What do you do?And give your reasons.A.Throw it away without a glance B.Review the document and adjust your company's offer to beat it.C.Decide that it went out to all the other bidders as well,so everyone has the same information and will adjust their bids appropriately.D.Call your boss and the legal department and report the incident.
大错字母了 第一排 CASE:Competitive 不够好吖····

案例分析 案例:竞争对手情报你的公司正与主要对手处于激烈竞争中(比如一项几百万美元的合同).你的客户通过邮件发来了最终格式说明,你发现这些文件中有你们竞争对手的最终报价表.你不能确定这是一起事故还是客户有...