

Once there was a rich man who was very stingy.He didn't know exactly how much he had.so he took on a little girl to 1 all his money for him.
It 2 the little girl six day to count all the money.when she told the rich man that he had thirty-eight 3 dollars,he was 4 and asked,"How much money can I 5 for you?"He thought that 6 she was only a child.He could 7 her little money.
The girl said,"Well,I worked for six days,so I think tu 8 pay me for six days.Give me two pennies for the first day.Each day after that ,just give me the amount you give me the day before ,multiplied by itself.
The 9 thought that in this 10 he would only have to give her a 11 dollars.What a 12 little girl So he 13 his lawyer sign up the contract,fearing that she would change her 14.
On the first day the rich man paid her two pennies,and 15 the second day,two pennies time two pennies-----four pennies.

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