请问这句话语法有问题么 或者有什么更地道的表达
请问这句话语法有问题么 或者有什么更地道的表达
however symbolical the portrayal may seems at first glimpse.
除了seem 要除掉 s 之外,这句子语法没错.但句子不完整,前面或后面应该还有一些词语的,比如However symbolical the portrayal may seem at first glimpse, it can never have the same impact as the real thing.注:...���ʺ������˼��it can never have the same impact as the real thing.����Զ�����ܺ�ʵ�ڵĶ�������ͬ��Ӱ�졣Ҳ����˵symbolic portrayal ��������д�գ��Զ���/���߲������к� the real thing ��ʵ�ڵĶ�����һ���Ӱ�졣��ʵ�����������ͼ�������������ǰ���ģ���������Ҫ�������أ��а���ı����However, this portrayal is highly symbolic.�������ģ��ҿ��ܲ��ܰ������ɫһ�㡣��ʵ�����ҿ�ͼ������д�ĵ�һ�䣬��Ҫ��������ע�ⲻ�����ס����ͼ������������...����������µĵ�һ�䣬��һ�����أ����µı�����ʲô�����ֻ����ǰ������һ����������ͼƬ���ݡ��������һ����һ��ͼ��Ӧ��������������������Ҫ������֮��չ������A picture is worth a thousand words. Or, more correctly, a picture speaks volumes. A picture can be highly symbolic of life and the society it portrays.�����ͷ��ô���о��ܲ����ţ��ҵ���һ����д as is subtly depicted in the portrayal above,...�����ν���ô���С�as is subtly depicted in the portrayal above ��ζ�����Ѿ�������� portrayal���㻹û�������Կ����������ȥд��(A picture can be highly symbolic of life and the society it portrays), as I shall explain below.