

The dynamics of international business negotiations
There can be no international business without the presence of at least two parties,each coming from different countries,sitting face to face and negotiating a business deal.Negotiations precede all international business transactions,whether they are the sale of a product to a foreign buyer,the formation of a joint venture between two companies of different nationalities to share distribution channels in a third country,an acquisition of a company by a foreign company,or me licensing of a technology by a company tO a foreign producer.It is inevitable that negotiations between two or more sides will take place Whenever a certain outcome is impossible to obtain unilaterally without incurring unacceptable political,legal,or economic consequences.
Negotiation is a process whereby two or more parties--be they individuals,groups,or larger social units--interact in developing potential agreements to provide guidance and regulation of their future behavior.Such negotiation can be conducted between nations,as in the tripartite negotiations between the United States,Canada,and Mexico to forge the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); between companies,as in the alliance between British Air and USAir to share routes,airport gates,and reservations systems; or between any two or more parties that need to cooperate or bargain to attain certain common or conflicting ends.
In any negotiation,the process and outcomes are influenced by contextual factors.Too often academics and the business press have focused on negotiating strategies Without duly emphasizing context.Even when negotiation context is discussed,it is usually presented as a "cultural" issue.Only recently have some researchers examined and developed broad frameworks focusing on the context of international negotiation.
Using a similar approach,this article presents a comprehensive model of international negotiation describing the different contexts and their relationship to the negotiation process and outcomes.The proposed model should provide a practical framework for negotiators,assisting them in better preparing themselves for complex negotiations and recognizing the need for a broader perspective combined with the ability to comprehend details.

国际商务谈判的动态变化可以没有国际企业就没有存在的至少两个缔约方,每个来自不同国家、 面对面坐和谈判一笔生意.谈判之前所有的国际商业交易中,无论是到国外买主,形成不同民族分享在第三国,一家公司的一家外国公司...