What does Bill want to know_.


What does Bill want to know_.
A where does she live
B where she live
C how old are you
D how long does it take to get to school

A Where does she live但是老师讲了,是B,但不知道原因What does Bill want to know ,后面引导的是以where开头的宾语从句,宾语从句中主句(即句中What引导的那一部分)和从句(即where引导的那一部分)的时态应保持一致。但如果从句中表示的是客观现象,那就要用一般现在时表示。其实不用想得那么麻烦,比较四个答案,只有第二个是陈述句形式,其他的都是疑问句形式,而作为宾语(从句),不能用疑问形式,要用陈述句形式,即谓语动词要放在主语的后面。Nina wants to know_
A Where does Mike live
B where does Mike live in
C where Mike lives
Dwhere Mike live同理,可以先排除A和B,而Mike是第三人称,后面的动词要加S,所以选C