

在商务谈判的语用行为中,诙谐幽默的语言能使严肃紧张的气氛变得容易让人接受.使谈判气氛顿时活跃起来.即使在唇枪舌剑的论辩和激烈竞争的讨价还价中.幽默的言语也能极为有利地批驳谬误.明辨是非、说服对方.可以说幽默的语用功能在于创造良好的谈判气氛,传递感情,使谈判人员在心理上得到了享受,提高谈判的效率.使错综复杂的谈判活动在愉快的气氛中顺利进行.例如:I' m of the opinion that our meeting is fruitful.But there is only one point that I feel disappointed(pause).What I feel disappointed is that there is no single issue at all that needs debating between us.其实,在商务谈判中,幽默的语用策略体现谈判者的高雅,具有较高文化修养和较强的驾驭语言的能力.

During business negotiation, humourous language can make serious and intense atmosphere more acceptable and can make atmosphere immediately active. Even in the heated debation and bargaining, humourou...