写出下列动词的过去式形式单词的反义词(1)缩写形式或(2)完全形式单词的对应词do go jump have play drink listen study clean read big long strong tall young old come black there left cold close bad happy on behind expensive active (1)isn't i'm it's you'are can't what's let's don't (2)who is are not that is have not does not she is we areboy those day miss man mother aunt brother door doctor knife village he healthy


do go jump have play drink listen study clean read
big long strong tall young old come black there left cold close bad happy on behind expensive active
(1)isn't i'm it's you'are can't what's let's don't (2)who is are not that is have not does not she is we are
boy those day miss man mother aunt brother door doctor knife village he healthy

did went had played drank read
small short short old young white right hot open sad under in front of cheap

did wentjumpedhadplayed dranklistenedstudiedcleanedread(读音不一样)small shortweak lowold younggo whitehere rightwarm opengood frontdown.1.it is2.what is3.is not4.who is5.that is6.let us注意:let's 是...