


Lily and I are good friends,we knew each other since junior school and now we are still sitting next to each other in our last year in middle school.We visit each other's home often,and go shopping every other weekend.Last Saturday when we were doing our usual weekend activities in our local shopping mall.We went in a McDonald's for lunch at noon after two hour of walking.It was very busy there,people formed a long queque,and all waited patiently for their turn to order.Just before our turn,there were suddenly two young teenagers jumping in front of us from nowhere.We were so angry but didn't do or said anything and let them be.
In the afternoon that day,we decided to go watching a film.When we were about to pay for our tickets at the entrance,those two same teenagers were noisily coming up from behind us and wanted get in front of us again!This time we stood our ground,and told them off,ordering them to join the queque.I have never met such impolite young people before in my whole life.Lily and I are still talking about it a week later today.麻烦加下翻译、Lily是我的好朋友,我们在小学时已认识,现在到了中学最後一年,我们还是坐在隔座,我们常常互相探望,每隔一个星期六都一起逛公司。上个星期六我们亦不例外一如往常的活动,逛了两小时街後即往McDonald's 去吃午餐,那儿很忙,人们排著长龙耐心地等候著叫餐,当就快轮到我们时,突然背後挤上来两个十来岁的男孩,争到我们前面去了,我们很是忿怒,但没有声张便由了他们。 那天下午,我们又决定了去看电影,当我们正刚购票入场时,那两个相同的可恶男孩,嘈嘈吵吵地又从外面闯了进来,想再次赶在我们的前头,这次我们不再让步了,而且把他们大骂了一顿,叫他们去後面排队,我一生真没有遇过如此无礼的人,到了一个星期後的今天,Lily和我还在谈及此事。