According to Glaucon,to which of the following classes do the majority of people relegate justice?


According to Glaucon,to which of the following classes do the majority of people relegate justice?
(A) Goods that are only desired for their own sake
(B) Goods that are only desired for their consequences
(C) Goods that are desired both for their own sake and for their consequences
(D) Goods that are not desired at all

选B柏拉图《理想国》357 B—358 A格劳孔对苏格拉底论证“正义是善”的方式感到不满意,他指出善是可以分为三种的:第一种就是题目中的选项A,例如无害的娱乐活动;第二种就是选项C,例如明白事理、视力好、身体健康;第...