

1.in connection with the company’s engagement of the Agent,it is contemplated that the Company may supply to the Agent certain nonpublic or proprietary information concerning the Company (“Confidential Information”).The Agent shall use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of rendering services pursuant to and in accordance with this Agreement and shall not,without the prior written consent of the Company,disclose any Confidential Information to any person,other than its officers,directors,employees,outside counsel and financing sources with a need to know and who agree to be bound by such confidentiality provisions; provided,however,that the foregoing shall not apply to any information which becomes publicly available other than as a result of the breach of Agent’s undertakings hereunder,or which Agent is required to disclose pursuant to judicial or administrative process in connection with any action,suit,proceeding or claim,provided Agent first advises the Company and the Company has an adequate opportunity to obtain a protective order should it desire to do so.
2.In addition,each party recognizes that a violation of this Agreement could cause the other party irreparable harm,the amount of which may be extremely difficult to estimate,thus,making any remedy at law inadequate.Therefore,each party agrees that the other party shall have the right to apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for an order restraining any breach or threatened breach of this Agreement and for any other relief the non-breaching party deems appropriate without being required to post any bond or other security.
